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Language Certificates

German Certificates

In order to apply for a German-language degree program, proof of the required language skills must be provided at the time of application. This is required by the Austrian Universities Act. Which language certificates are possible is set out in the Rectorate's Ordinance on Admission to Studies. Other language certificates are therefore not possible.

The university offers bachelor's degree programs exclusively in German.


C1 German language skills are required.

  1. an Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (Matura) or
  2. an equal secondary school leaving certificate from abroad with German as language of instruction on Matura Level (Austrian or German school abroad) or
  3. 8 consecutive years of at least 2 subjects taught in German in High School or
  4. 4 consecutive years of at least 2 subjects taught in German on the secundary level in High School with additional final exam (Matura) in at least one of the English taught subjects or
  5. completed study programme taught in German or
  6. Ergänzungsprüfung Deutsch (EPD) at Vorstudienlehrgang der Grazer Universitäten und Hochschulen (prerequisite for participating in the EPD is an admission at the University) or at another Austrian Vorstudienlehrgang or
  7. ÖSD C1 (Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch) or
  8. Goethe-Zertifikat C1 or
  9. DSH2 (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) or
  10. DSD2 (Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz) or
  11. Telc C1 or
  12. Test DaF C1 (TDN 5)


The certificates (7.-12) must not be older than 2 years at the time of the application. All parts of the examination have to be passed on C1 level. Different certificates cannot be combined.

If you are admitted with a language certificate lower than C1, we are only allowed to accept the EPD certificate of the Preparatory Course (VGUH) for the enrollment to the intended study programme! It will no longer be possible to hand in another German certificate. 


Yes, if you have one of the following language certificates at level A2 or higher, you can apply:

  1. ÖSD A2 or a higher level (Österreichisches Sprachdiplom) or
  2. Goethe Zertifikat A2 or a higher level or
  3. DSD1 or a higher level (Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz)
  4. ÖIF Test Neu A2 or a higher level (Österreichischer Integrations Fond) or
  5. Integrationsprüfung A2 or a higher level or
  6. DTÖ A2 or a higher level (Deutsch Test für Österreich) or
  7. Telc A2 or a higher level or
  8. Test DaF A2 or a higher level or
  9. Certificate about A2 level issued by an Austrian University Preparatory Programme (Vorstudienlehrgang)


The certificates/diplomas 1 - 8 must not be older than 2 years. Different certificates cannot be combined.

In case of admission with an A2 to B2 certificate, the enrolment to the applied for study programme is only possible after passing the EPD exam at the preparatory course (Vorstudienlehrgang).

No. A German certificate is only necessary if your previous education was not in German. It must be clear from the educational documents that German was the language of instruction (e.g. Abitur from Germany; Matura from South Tyrol), though. Otherwise, a confirmation from the educational institution that German was the language of instruction must be submitted.

No! You need at least an A2 certificate to be able to apply.

No. According to the Universities Act, the language certificate is a prerequisite for submitting an application. Without the certificate, the application cannot be processed and will therefore be assessed as a negative application. Therefore, please only apply once you have the language certificate, as otherwise it will not be possible to submit another application for the same semester and degree programme.

No! You can only attend the VGUH if you meet all the requirements for a regular study program. According to the Austrian University Act, a language certificate is such a requirement. This means that you must already have an A2 certificate before you can apply.

English certificates

In order to apply for an English-language degree program, proof of the required language skills must be provided at the time of application. This is required by the Austrian Universities Act. Which language certificates are possible is set out in the Rectorate's Ordinance on Admission to Studies. Other language certificates are therefore not possible.

Some Master's and doctoral degree programs are offered in English. You can find out which programs these are here.

For degree programs that are offered in both German and English, please ensure that you enter the correct language you wish to apply for in the application form. Otherwise, your application will automatically be processed for German.

  1. TOEFL iBT (score of at least 95) or
  2. IELTS Academic (score of at least 7) or
  3. Cambridge Proficiency English CPE or
  4. Cambridge Advanced English CAE (score of at least 180/ Grade C or better) or
  5. Telc C1 or
  6. Pearson Test of English Academic PTE (score of at least 76) or
  7. Completion of 8 school years at a secondary school with awith English as a subject at a school within the EU/EEA, Switzerland, Great Britain, USA, English-speaking provinces of Canada, Australia or New Zealand, or
  8. Completion of 4 school years at a secondary school with English as a subject and additionally completion of the school-leaving examination in English as a subject at a school within the EU/EEA, Switzerland, Great Britain, USA, English-speaking provinces of Canada, Australia or New Zealand or or
  9. Completion of studies in English as the language of instruction (the Diploma Supplement needs to show that the studies were taught in English) at a university within the EU/EEA, Switzerland, Great Britain, USA, English-speaking provinces of Canada, Australia or New Zealand or
  10. Certificate of completion of an Austrian Vorstudienlehrgang course on English-C1 level

The certificates/diplomas 1 - 6 must not be older than 2 years at the time of application.

This is the minimum number of points. Lower scores cannot be considered for admission.

No! The points are a minimum number of points. Admission with fewer points is not possible.

No! Proof of C1 English is required in order to apply.

Only if the previous studies were completed at a university within the EU/EEA, Switzerland, Great Britain, USA, English-speaking provinces of Canada, Australia or New Zealand.

For all other countries, a university degree with the medium of instruction English cannot be considered as proof of language proficiency. One of the above-mentioned language certificates with the corresponding number of points and not older than 2 years is required.

No. The University Act does not allow you to attend the preparatory course (VGUH) to acquire the required English language certificate.


Academic Affairs

Universitaetsplatz 3a
8010 Graz

Telephone availability:
Monday and Wednesday: 8am - 2pm
Friday: 8am - 12am
For data protection reasons, no information about personal data can be given over the phone.

Phone:+43 316 380 - 1170

In order to be independent of time constraints and to ensure that your request is documented in writing, you can also send us an e-mail.

Opening hours by appointment only:
Tuesday: 8am - 11:30am and 12.30pm - 3.30pm
Thursday: 8:30am – 1pm

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